
Monday, January 31, 2011

Photo of the day - "Come to Me.."

Come to me, and I will give you rest!
Some people say they get peace of mind; some say, they get their wishes fulfilled; some say, they get their problems solved;  few say they can come out of their "insecure feeling" zone; everyone has their own reasons to go to the doors of almighty and pray. It looks terribly strange to the atheists, for sitting and praying and believing in something that doesn't exist.

Do you believe in God? Have you faced a situation where, you felt there was no way out and the only way was to pray? Do miracles happen all by themselves or they are the results of intense prayers? There will be a question bank around this matter but answers can only be mere speculations. End of the day, I believe, it is up to the individuals, and it should be respected by each other.


  1. Blogger has just destroyed the quality of image and I don't know what else I could do with it! :'(

  2. umm, I don't believe :). Again you need to respect my view :P, nice angle of the snap.

  3. @Vaibhav, of course, I will respect everyone's view. :-)

  4. being a hardcore science and engineering fanatic...its surprising that I'm very pious...but then science can only answer a subset of all our questions and concerns -rest is all miracles:)
